Show all | \CC-BY-4.0 \Deutsch \English \Hello \Picilang \Talyiah \WIP \Ztext \about \allasi \angry \announcement \apeva \blog \bts \collaboration \competition \controversial \cover \dedicated \drawings \español \esperanto \experimental \explicit \extended \français \horror \introduction \latin \magyar \map \moli \monologue \multilingual \music \mystery \never talk about it again \norsk \nostalgia \novella \olin \parody \performed \poem \programming \pun intended \quicky \random \rant \rap \rejected \script \serial \sitelen \sitelen pona \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \trapasham krosi \unas \unfinished \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive \znacra \български \العَرَبِيَّة \日本語
2019. 03. 20. 22:30 | \magyar \random \spoken word poetry
This post is in Hungarian! Please don't worry, I'd be writing it in English if it was about things that I activaly do in English. But this happened to be one of the very few exceptions that heavily language-dependent (at the moment at least)
Nemrég feltöltöttem a Szerettem őt új verzióját, valamint az eredeti "végleges" verziót. De mi vezetett ahhoz, hogy újra fel kelljen töltenem egy verset, pedig még a cím se változott?
More >2018. 12. 31. 23:00 | \announcement \blog \random
Finally I realized that I'm able to write posts while taking a shhhhhhhhhhhh... releasing the waste.
More >2018. 12. 31. 22:00 | \English \blog \random \rap \toki pona \unpublished
It's 2 hours till noon, or in this case, 2019.
More >2018. 12. 31. 04:30 | \English \blog \explicit \nostalgia \random \song \unpublished
I'm still looking for stuff to upload (and uploading contantly), then I found this one... It's titled Everything you've got.
More >2018. 12. 29. 04:30 | \English \Hello \announcement \blog \bts \random \vi.log
After he finally finished the work on design, he was able to move on and start uploading the sh*te that he called his poems and other written stuff -- a.k.a. writings (of various genres).
More >2018. 12. 28. 23:30 | \English \WIP \Ztext \blog \bts \programming \random
'Tis my very first blog post where I talk about the making and history of this site (or rather about it's current iteration).
More >2018. 10. 04. 12:00 | \poem \random \spoken word poetry \toki pona \toki pona taso
mi jan Sotan li toki.
mi toki pona li toki mi.
toki ni li jo ala e nimi.
mi pini.
2017. 11. 01. 12:00 | \drawings \random \sitelen \sitelen pona \toki pona \toki pona taso
sitelen ni li pi tenpo suno sike nanpa 2017.
More >2017. 06. 08. 19:00 | \introduction \latin \magyar \performed \poem \random \spoken word poetry
A legelső előadásom... inkább nem gondolnék vissza rá (borzalmas volt).
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