Show all | \CC-BY-4.0 \Deutsch \English \Hello \Picilang \Talyiah \WIP \Ztext \about \allasi \angry \announcement \apeva \blog \bts \collaboration \competition \controversial \cover \dedicated \drawings \español \esperanto \experimental \explicit \extended \français \horror \introduction \latin \magyar \map \moli \monologue \multilingual \music \mystery \never talk about it again \norsk \nostalgia \novella \olin \parody \performed \poem \programming \pun intended \quicky \random \rant \rap \rejected \script \serial \sitelen \sitelen pona \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \trapasham krosi \unas \unfinished \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive \znacra \български \العَرَبِيَّة‎ \日本語

Dracula color scheme

2023. 02. 28. 11:26 | \English \programming

I do love this color scheme.

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2018. 12. 28. 23:30 | \English \WIP \Ztext \blog \bts \programming \random

'Tis my very first blog post where I talk about the making and history of this site (or rather about it's current iteration).

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