
2020. 07. 30. 17:48 | \English \blog

Even though I have only published a couple of short stories that are, quite frankly, most likely to be no more than "early tries", nowadays I fancy myself as a writer and as such, I look at the world in a different way than before. Of course, as you can see, I have written novellas (or "short stories" if we want to stick with English terminology), but they were in Hungarian and besides one of them, I consider them either abandoned or potentially a good candidate for a rewrite or a "retrofit" in another genre. This is a whole new word for me that I truly wish to explore and stay close to its borders, while probably keeping a kind of outsider perspective, experimenting as opposed to follow the norm.

The feeling of not belonging is nothing new; ever since I was able to tell my name, I have been feeling more like a visitor than a member of any given group. To this day, when I'm along with my oldest friends, I can't help but to submit to the feeling of loneliness, not out of need, but out of habit. This has become a sort of tradition to me: I am usually only spectating and cooperating instead of actively participating. There are exceptions, of course, that are far and between, and while they are naturally occurring events, they give me an the feeling that I am out-of-character, rather than feeling normal for being myself.

To get to the good stuff, I cannot help but to see the influences of practically any medium I am consuming at any given point of time, or certain memories after being triggered by random noises. For example, (and now I began throwing working titles at you,) "Robo-Dino-Transforicles" is obviously influenced by Transformers, Power Rangers and sci-fi in general. Other titles, like "Lara", was born after certain life experiences, regardless how mundane they are. "Generic title" is an exception, it began as a simple writing practice where I asked for random words to use as "guides" -- I am 1300 words into the story and I can't see the end of it. It'll be crazy. "Lost Alone" is inspired by Falling Skies' first episode of season five with the aesthetics of Fallout 4's pre-war setting. And the list goes on.

Right now I began yet another story, titles 'Twas truly idiotic, which is inspired by Professor Marston & The Wonder Women, Masters of Sex and possibly A Million Ways To Die In The West (not in topic or genre, but by how it handles the whorehouse). I do not know what will come of this story, it might end up in a limbo as Generic Title or pseudo-abandoned as The Forgotten Tome of Bohrfoeld (an old-ish draft before I began writing L'amore d'Agna). But if I mention old writings, there's one that I really want to do something with, but I have no idea how to get around it: that is "Tales o' Yer Talyiah". I have a concept and I briefly mentioned it in vi.log in which it was supposed to be a... you'll see if you read that very experimental thing. It was originally just that, a piece in that realm, but the idea is, in my opinion, good enough that it deserves at least one piece on its own. That concept was also inspired by... something. I know it was, but I just can't recall what it was.

< I'm about to write About (in the 2 other languages that aren't English) | It's live! >


[short story] Closed due to renovations

2023. 09. 22. 16:30 | \English \moli \novella

We are terribly sorry to inform you that the Executioner's Office is temporarily closed due to renovations, as on the 10th of May, the grieving widow of a former customer drove their car through our display of antique torture devices...

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[poem] Untitled Pseudo-Rhyming Mumbling That I Shall Henceforth Call A Poem

2023. 09. 22. 10:30 | \English \poem \random

A kind of silly poem that I've begun writing on 23 March 2022.

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Custom notification sounds

2023. 09. 08. 21:13 | \English \music \random

I made some custom notification sounds for myself and I thought I finally share them.

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