Quick update

2018. 12. 29. 05:00 | \English \bts \quicky \rant

Date format is finally updated to the most sensible one.

I updated the date format, so it'll be yyyy. MM. dd. HH:mm from now on, which means: year, month, day, hour (24-hour), minute. This makes the most sense (and also happened to be the Hungarian way), for it goes from the biggest unit to the lowest. Gosh, I love logic (and hate strongly dislike the USA's format)! -- said the guy who often uses cryptic date formats in writings.

If you don't like this format, please use day/month/year instead of month/day/year, that just doesn't make any sense.

< Made a map for Johto and Kanto (mostly based on Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver) | [REDACTED] >


[song] Effort for Nothing (with low effort lyrics)

2024. 09. 22. 02:00 | \English \français \random \rap \song

Lyrics written for An Augmented 67.

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[novella] Reflection on the Glass

2024. 07. 28. 18:41 | \English \novella

The train was loud and bumpy. Due to their age, the rails should have belonged to a museum, not laid out on the ground...

Written on 2022-04-05

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2024. 07. 28. 03:00 | \English \magyar \toki pona

jaki-pona is a toki pona language "overview" written in English and Hungarian.

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