RSS hook test and struggles with video
Previous RSS test didn't go through, maybe this one will? Also I've recorded a song!
Previously on Zotn:
I just realize I need a new favicon for the website. Since the renameing the Ae
is not really appropriate.
Regardless of any of that, I gotta produce visuals for the new song, for which I have only 1 idea that'd be either hard to sync to the track with the software I want to use, or easy, but it'd be in another style.
Alternatively, I could just do what I used to do and just produce every frame and sync it in video editor, which is a pain in the ass, because I want 1 frame for every syllable as opposed to every line.
Let's not even mention the already recorded project that is about 1/3 or 1/4 part done. I can figure it out later, one of my cats just jumped on the desk and she's not allowed there.
Btw RSS feed's link is
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