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Show all | \English \Hello \Picilang \WIP \Ztext \about \announcement \blog \bts \controversial \drawings \español \explicit \magyar \map \multilingual \music \mystery \nostalgia \poem \programming \quicky \random \rant \rap \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive

vi.log, nano and general updates

2019. 05. 01. 12:00 | \English \WIP \blog \vi.log

Recently most of my work was either on vi.log or stuff connected to vi.log. But why would I work on something that literally no one reads?

Also I just updated to nano 4.2 and it's great :D

(Originally without date, guessed estimate is now shown.)

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I've done it

2018. 12. 29. 04:30 | \English \Hello \announcement \blog \bts \random \vi.log

After he finally finished the work on design, he was able to move on and start uploading the sh*te that he called his poems and other written stuff -- a.k.a. writings (of various genres).

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