I've done it
2018. 12. 29. 04:30 | \English \Hello \announcement \blog \bts \random \vi.log
After he finally finished the work on design, he was able to move on and start uploading the sh*te that he called his poems and other written stuff -- a.k.a. writings (of various genres).
Many (and some more) hours after I began to work on CSS, I finally finished the work (that part at least) for now. All that's left is to upload my stuff other than Hello and the not-yet announced vi.log. Which reminds me:
vi.log is public now! It is a simple log file (even more simpler than Hello) that is created by the somethingVI, which is a VI (virtual intelligence) assistent for computers in... I don't know when. It's sort of kind of a mystery series where the dates looks like these for f**ks sake: 11032159358517212
, 20505304348517212
It's 4:33 (for americans: am), I'm half-dead, half-asleep, half-useless. Beginning tomorrow (well, technically today) I'll start to upload and continue my work on Hello. Wait, f**k, I haven't announced that either:
Hello is currently a RWIP (rework in progress), it'll be nicer, has better grammar, slightly longer texts ('bout 1-2 lines extra per article), and some secrets may become slightly less of a secret! You'll see the old version though for now, since there'll be some (minor) changes in the HTML structure (and maybe in the CSS) as well and I don't want to upload anything till I catch up. I'm at D12 or so, thus I have about 10 articles left. And those are the longer ones...
(I believe R2-D2 would be proud of me for that f***....**k.)
See ya later!
< It's live! | Just a random thought >