Long absence... again

2019. 07. 01. 00:00 | \English \blog \toki pona

I know, I know, I promised I'll write sooner, but stuff happened.

I'll keep things short this time, just writing down the essentials:

  1. I joined Reddit using my usual nickname (link added to about too): ae-dschorsaanjo
  2. I released a short version of my new rap, I'm Back! along with a demo animation on Youtube.
  3. I released the full version of I'm Back too!
  4. I successfully recorded mi toki (after many failed attempts of recording other stuff), currently the animation is under making for 1.5 weeks now (due to summer work) and it'll take another while to finish. Let's hope not that much.
  5. I continued to play Doki Doki Literature Club (after beginning it about a month ago, had 20 minutes in it) and finally finished it. HO. LY. SHIT.
  6. I finished a new toki pona only rap, that's title is not yet revealed, and I found (and fitted) for the track. Recording will happen later.

A'ight, that's it for now.
I'll see you in the next one.


< Just a random thought | Long time no see... also MAJOR UPDATE!!!1!1! >


[rap] 4000 CE (Experimental Electric toki pona Hip-hop Rap Thing)

2024. 10. 02. 05:43 | \experimental \moli \random \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \weirdly positive

This is an experimental track that uses pieces of 4 different lyrics. However, you are not meant to be listening to the words, they are supposed to function as nothing else than "another instrument". In other words, you are supposed to listen to it as if it was an instrumental track.

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[song] Effort for Nothing (with low effort lyrics)

2024. 09. 22. 02:00 | \English \français \random \rap \song

Lyrics written for An Augmented 67.

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[novella] Reflection on the Glass

2024. 07. 28. 18:41 | \English \novella

The train was loud and bumpy. Due to their age, the rails should have belonged to a museum, not laid out on the ground...

Written on 2022-04-05

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