The hallowed waste
2018. 12. 31. 08:30 | \English \blog \explicit \nostalgia \poem \unpublished
Continuation of the previous blog post.
I've mentioned The hallowed waste in the previous post, and since it wouldn't fit into a proper category, here you go;
Many men were on the hill
They were standing, quiet and still
"Listen to me", said the Lord
"I will tell you what to know"
"We shall listen! O our Lord
Tell us, from what we're grown!"
Said the men and waited for
An answer that they prayed for
"I do tell you all the truth,
Though it'll take all your youth
Choose a leader out o' you!"
And so they did as He spoke
"My name is John, me Lord"
Introduc'd himself aboard
"Only thou hear'st my word
There shall not be girl, a third"
"Thy born was not a plan
I designed all the plants
I try'd berries and rye
They were fine and made me shite"
"O Lord, I might mishear'd
I an't sure o' thy words
Dost thou say 'shite' me Lord
or my ears do kid me now?"
"Every and more, true, indeed
'Tis the truth o' how you're made
There were lands and sky was lit
And men made out o'"
"Holy shit!"
< Szerettem őt átiratok és átdolgozások | The sh*t continues (or, actually, this one was first) >