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[short story] Applied Mathematics 101

2020. 10. 06. 14:30 | \English \novella

"...And so shall we begin." The voice of Mr. Soft echoed from the lecture hall's faraway walls. The auditorium was scarcely populated, students sat far and wide, as it is customary during a pandemic, which meant that the professor's question were answered by more scalps than usual. Sleeping in classes were not unheard of, but when you take away the possibility of misbehaving, one cannot make matrix arithmetic interesting enough for the masses to keep them awake...

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[short story] We're Living All Alone

2020. 09. 17. 11:30 | \English \moli \novella

Very short (~200 words) flash story inspired by a rather depressing song in basically the same setting as another (early, thus bad) short story of mine.

Published on 25th December 2020.

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Amidst the darkness

2020. 09. 14. 13:06 | \English \blog

it's been a while I've written a real one of these

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Unpopular post

2020. 08. 18. 22:12 | \English \blog \controversial

not that anyone would read it

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2020. 07. 30. 17:48 | \English \blog

Even though I have only published a couple of short stories that are, quite frankly, most likely to be no more than "early tries", nowadays I fancy myself as a writer and as such, I look at the world in a different way than before. Of course, as you can see, I have written novellas (or "short stories" if we want to stick with English terminology), but they were...

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[short story] Unforeseen visitor

2020. 07. 14. 03:00 | \English \mystery \novella

I was playing with my cat after feeding her, when I felt a small breeze from behind. I did not think much of it, the windows were open on both sides of the room; _must have been the wind outside_, I thought, but my cat looked there and her eyes were fixated on something. I turned around, expecting nothing out of the ordinary, alas I saw a...

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[short story] Lights in the dark

2020. 06. 14. 01:30 | \English \experimental \mystery \novella

This is chronologically the first short story I publised in English, even if it wasn't the first I began writing.

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[short story] L'amore d'Agna

2020. 06. 01. 15:00 | \English \experimental \monologue \novella

Days have turned into nights that then turned into dawns and days again countless times since I saw L'amore d'Agna. It was the truest form of love, the purest source of happiness, yet there are no evidence that it ever existed; all I know is based on observations and experience, not on the nowadays preferred written way...

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[poem] reasons

2020. 05. 15. 17:30 | \English \experimental \poem \spoken word poetry

average 107 226 kilometers an hour
the Earth's moving, spinning, rotating, dour
and just moves forth and further away
from the core
from the base
from the center of the milky way...

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[song] Lil' Jesus Is Coming To The Town

2019. 12. 24. 00:30 | \English \parody \song \weirdly positive

In Hungarian tradition Santa Clause, a.k.a. Saint Nicolas, a.k.a. Sánta Miklós brings small present at 6th o' December, while on Christmas, the (literally "little", but usually translated as) Baby Jesus brings the presents. How? Why? Those are questions I can nor will not answer.

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