Show all | \CC-BY-4.0 \Deutsch \English \Hello \Picilang \Talyiah \WIP \Ztext \about \allasi \angry \announcement \apeva \blog \bts \collaboration \competition \controversial \cover \dedicated \drawings \español \esperanto \experimental \explicit \extended \français \horror \introduction \latin \magyar \map \moli \monologue \multilingual \music \mystery \never talk about it again \norsk \nostalgia \novella \olin \parody \performed \poem \programming \pun intended \quicky \random \rant \rap \rejected \script \serial \sitelen \sitelen pona \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \trapasham krosi \unas \unfinished \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive \znacra \български \العَرَبِيَّة‎ \日本語

[short story] Lights in the dark

2020. 06. 14. 01:30 | \English \experimental \mystery \novella

This is chronologically the first short story I publised in English, even if it wasn't the first I began writing.

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[short story] L'amore d'Agna

2020. 06. 01. 15:00 | \English \experimental \monologue \novella

Days have turned into nights that then turned into dawns and days again countless times since I saw L'amore d'Agna. It was the truest form of love, the purest source of happiness, yet there are no evidence that it ever existed; all I know is based on observations and experience, not on the nowadays preferred written way...

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[poem] reasons

2020. 05. 15. 17:30 | \English \experimental \poem \spoken word poetry

average 107 226 kilometers an hour
the Earth's moving, spinning, rotating, dour
and just moves forth and further away
from the core
from the base
from the center of the milky way...

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sitelen lili

2020. 04. 18. 19:30 | \blog \toki pona

So I made a vid about sitelen lili (or attempted to, depending on whether the recording's usable)

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[song] Lil' Jesus Is Coming To The Town

2019. 12. 24. 00:30 | \English \parody \song \weirdly positive

In Hungarian tradition Santa Clause, a.k.a. Saint Nicolas, a.k.a. Sánta Miklós brings small present at 6th o' December, while on Christmas, the (literally "little", but usually translated as) Baby Jesus brings the presents. How? Why? Those are questions I can nor will not answer.

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[rap] tawa en sike

2019. 10. 30. 19:30 | \experimental \rap \toki pona taso

mi tawa lon insa pi ma tomo pi kasi,
la mi pali e moku soweli seli.
mi moku e
    ona li pilin e wile
tan ni:
    meli ona li jo e lupa sike.
ona li wile unpa.
ona li wile awen
lon sewi kiwen pi olin pi kule
pi laso loje pimeja jelo.
tenpo mute la mi tawa. mi wile e telo...

(pssst, there are interesting "behind the scenes" like notes too!)

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[rap] jan pi ma ante

2019. 10. 10. 23:30 | \rap \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation

based on the translation of Alien by Die Antwoord

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[rap] toki nasa

2019. 08. 28. 22:00 | \experimental \moli \rap \toki pona \toki pona taso

jan ale li wile. jan ale li sona.
pilin li suwi. pilin l'alasa.
jan Sotan li ike. jan ante li pona.
pilin li suli. pilin l'utala.
mi sona e toki. mi sona e mute.
utala l'ike. utala l'ike.
mi sona e olin. mi sona li kute
e toki pona e toki ike....

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[song] Nightmare song

2019. 08. 06. 23:00 | \English \moli \song

Welcome there, child,
Don't be scared of me!
I'm naught, but a wild  
Demon, a hero of fate!

Take my hand now,
And follow me please!
I'm gonna show you
What's worth to be seen!

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Long absence... again

2019. 07. 01. 00:00 | \English \blog \toki pona

I know, I know, I promised I'll write sooner, but stuff happened.

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