Show all | \CC-BY-4.0 \Deutsch \English \Hello \Picilang \Talyiah \WIP \Ztext \about \allasi \angry \announcement \apeva \blog \bts \collaboration \competition \controversial \cover \dedicated \drawings \español \esperanto \experimental \explicit \extended \français \horror \introduction \latin \magyar \map \moli \monologue \multilingual \music \mystery \never talk about it again \norsk \nostalgia \novella \olin \parody \performed \poem \programming \pun intended \quicky \random \rant \rap \rejected \script \serial \sitelen \sitelen pona \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \trapasham krosi \unas \unfinished \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive \znacra \български \العَرَبِيَّة‎ \日本語

Redirects and such

2022. 10. 28. 01:14 | \English \blog

I finally realized that instead of redirecting everything from my old domain ( to (i.e. this website's home page) is stupid; why not keep the path as-is instead of erasing it?

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Updated picilang

2022. 10. 22. 21:55 | \English \Picilang \blog

I have finally added a filter function to conlang, picilang.

Yeah, I've got a conlang that's public (I probably should advertise it more).

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Animating at low resolution

2022. 10. 13. 17:48 | \English \blog \bts \random

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First post from my phone after rework

2022. 10. 11. 15:48 | \English \blog

It is done what had to be done for way too long.

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Why backslash for tags?

2022. 10. 10. 19:30 | \blog \bts \random

I'm an idiot.

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[short story] Introduction

2022. 09. 21. 10:28 | \English \novella \random

Writing began at 08 nov 2021 and was put on hold for the better part of 2022 until publishing.

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[poem] In Memoriam

2022. 09. 11. 15:16 | \poem \spoken word poetry \toki pona \toki pona taso

tenpo li ante e jan e ma.
tenpo li awen e nasa e tan.
pona li sama pona lon ma ona,
la mi wile e ike li wile ala e pona.

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[rap] olin li tawa jan ale lon

2022. 08. 16. 15:11

olin li tawa jan ale... why is it so hard to understand?
the final version until better times will come

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[short story] Mark Time

2022. 02. 19. 01:30 | \English \dedicated \français \pun intended \random

"No!" The angry student exclaimed, "I told you already! This is it! I refuse to change any of it!" He threw his papers in the air and stormed out of the lecture hall.

"What was that about?" asked the curious bystander, who helped Mark to pick up the angry student's essay.

"Just another art student refusing criticism," he said as he looked at his empty wrist, "do you know what time is it?"

"It's 11:05," she revealed with morbid casualty.

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[short story] Tamers of Men

2021. 10. 24. 21:30 | \English \competition \pun intended

Written for 24 hour flash story writing competition, given theme was Ruthless Ambition.

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