Show all | \CC-BY-4.0 \Deutsch \English \Hello \Picilang \Talyiah \WIP \Ztext \about \allasi \angry \announcement \apeva \blog \bts \collaboration \competition \controversial \cover \dedicated \drawings \español \esperanto \experimental \explicit \extended \français \horror \introduction \latin \magyar \map \moli \monologue \multilingual \music \mystery \never talk about it again \norsk \nostalgia \novella \olin \parody \performed \poem \programming \pun intended \quicky \random \rant \rap \rejected \script \serial \sitelen \sitelen pona \song \spoiler \spoken word poetry \teaser \toki pona \toki pona taso \translation \trapasham krosi \unas \unfinished \unpublished \vi.log \weirdly positive \znacra \български \العَرَبِيَّة‎ \日本語

The hallowed waste

2018. 12. 31. 08:30 | \English \blog \explicit \nostalgia \poem \unpublished

Continuation of the previous blog post.

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The sh*t continues (or, actually, this one was first)

2018. 12. 31. 04:30 | \English \blog \explicit \nostalgia \random \song \unpublished

I'm still looking for stuff to upload (and uploading contantly), then I found this one... It's titled Everything you've got.

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2018. 12. 17. 12:00 | \English \Hello \explicit \mystery

Hello is a story of...

Well, actually I don't know who's story is it. I don't know who wrote those articles, I don't know where is... Is it even a he or a she? F**k it, Imma use they. So I don't know their name, I don't know their locations, I don't know sh*t. Maybe you'll be able to answer some of those questions, as I was not.

Oh, and by the way, you can find 'em' articles at here (or just click to the page, it shall redirect you to there).

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2018. 12. 16. 12:00 | \English \Talyiah \explicit \mystery \vi.log

vi.log is a log file for somethingVI that should not be accessed by users. Just like Hello, this will redirect you to another site.

There are totally no javascript applets hidden on this subpage!

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[vers] Miafaszomvanmár

2018. 05. 31. 19:00 | \allasi \angry \explicit \magyar \performed \poem \spoken word poetry \العَرَبِيَّة‎

Hatodik fellépésem során előadott versem.

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[vers] Esti mese nem is olyan kis gyerekeknek

2018. 04. 12. 12:00 | \explicit \magyar \never talk about it again \performed \poem \spoken word poetry \weirdly positive

Ezt adtam elő az ötödik fellépésemkor és hát... ne olvasd el. Erről én nem fogok beszélni és ha nem is tagadom le, nem szívesen beszélek róla -- ez csak egy kísérlet volt, semmi több.

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[song] Why's everything so shite

2017. 05. 18. 12:00 | \explicit \song \weirdly positive

When everything’s began
There was quite nothing
People didn’t care
‘cuz people were nothing...

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[rap] 5 a.m.

2017. 04. 14. 12:00 | \English \explicit \nostalgia \rap \toki pona

It's not almost five a.m., it definitely is.
The normal human beings' sleepin', but it isn't me.
I just smoke a cigarette and write a kinda foolish thing.
I hear the song of birds, so... whatever, I cannot sleep!

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[novella] Híradó Tom M. Johnssonnal

2016. 10. 19. 14:00 | \explicit \magyar \novella

Üdvözlök mindenkit ezen a csodálatos, napsütéses napon! Mint azt sokan tudják nagy port kavart a hír, miszerint a Pear vette át az SS (Simulation System) feletti irányítást, ezzel gyakorlatilag teljhatalmúvá téve magukat. A korábbi vezetők, miután visszatértek közénk elhagyták a MacroHardot és elfogadták a Googol ajánlatát, így jelenleg az Arany középút projekten dolgoznak, mely a jelenlegi két legnagyobb rendszer közti rugalmasabb átmenet létrehozásán dolgozik. Legújabb információink szerint épp most léptek be a Googol főhadiszállására, kapcsoljuk helyi tudósítónkat...

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